+49 431 9799370

Frequently asked questions

Make sure that the device driver is installed correctly and the driver card is inserted as shown on the device. If the problem persists clean the chip on the card carefully with a cloth.
Make sure that the device driver is installed correctly and the driver card is inserted as shown on the device. If the problem persists, disable the "GloboFleet service" in the software under "Settings - GloboFleet service." Close the software and unplug the card reader. After a few seconds, restart the software and connect the card reader again. You can now activate GloboFleet service again.
Check that the "GloboFleet Service" is enabled in the software. Just click under "Settings" on the item "GloboFleet service." If the traffic light there appears in red, you can activate the service with "Start".
In rare cases, it is possible that the Windows Vista and Windows 7 pre-installed driver prevent the installation of the smart card driver package for all drivers associated components are installed correctly. This problem can be fixed by doing the following : Click "Start - Programs - Cherry Smart Card" to "Setup". then in the next step "Change" and "Next". You will then receive a list of all components. Now click with the left mouse button in succession. Click on” hard disk" on the first 5 installation options tab to install the complete option. Then click "Next" to start the installation process. Follow the instructions of the installer, and finally click "Finish".
The error message indicates that the inserted card can not be read or is possibly defective. In this case, please contact the authority where the card was issued so that it can be checked.